Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2012: The XXX of Disaster Pr0n

If there is such a term as disaster porn, 2012 is so hard core, that it might include a donkey, a midget, and 20 gallons of Vaseline. But don't get me wrong, it is top notch disaster porn. The movie itself didn't get great reviews, but I myself loved the trill ride, and this movie delivers. Pretty much take John Cusack and make him the luckiest man on the planet while the rest of the world just gets squashed like little ants while he sits back and watches the whole thing. Then take an ensemble of other characters that say, FOLLOW THE LUCKY-ASS GUY! And BAM! you have the movie in a thimble. You have Danny Glover as Pres. but unlike Bill Pullman in Independence Day, Danny is a big wuss, and gets it in the end. Yeah, it is just tons of CGI and absurd happenings, but it's fun to watch.

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